No Impact Week/Giving Back & Eco-Sabbath

Today is all about giving back - things that we do or can do to help others, so we were thinking about what we do & were struggling until I read Karin's Blog. Karin has written about what stops her from doing good things, but all along - she actually is helping others!

We cared for my Nan for the last 2 years of her life, she came to live with us when her sheltered housing closed down. Sime & I both felt that she & my Grandad were always there for us when we needed them & thought it was the least we could do for her. It was hard work, as she had vascular dementia (amongst other ailments), but we are so glad we did. During her time with us, we joined a local Transition Group, we couldn't devote much time, but enjoyed going along to the monthly meetings. It's been over a year since Nan died & since then we have been able to give to our community so much more. Our group has about 7 main members & we try to come up with ways of bringing our neighbours together. So far we have organised a wild food walk, communal woodland & allotment activities, shown the film Age of Stupid & run a community cafe - promoting Meat Free Monday & local food. We have also managed to get permission to erect two communal wind turbines in the area, which will help to fund other community projects.

Sime, Rose & I are also volunteers at Hugo's home education group, Sime plays musical instruments, Rose does arty stuff & I spend most of my time just chatting with the kids & helping out in the kitchen... All good stuff & really enjoyable!

We already support some charities with donations: Shelter, Oxfam & Shelter Box being the main ones & at times we have felt that we haven't had cash to spare, so we just give a little & wonderful things start to happen, opportunities come our way. By being selfless, we create a flow of positive energy - it's what makes our lives so wonderful!

Tomorrow is the Eco-Sabbath - no internet use, no electrical appliances, no cooking (hmm - not so sure about that one) & no work - just a day chilling with our kidlets & preparing for our adventure!

Kay & Simon xx


  1. Congratulations on making it to the end of your No Impact Week. I've been following your progress, and that of Karin, in preparation for my own attempt this week. Having read the manual and your blogs I'm looking forward to making new discoveries about myself and my lifestyle.

    PS I envy your life in Cornwall. We've been going on holiday there for years and I love it.


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Kay and Sime

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