Food For Thought

We have been asked many times over the years:  "Why are you vegetarian?" "Is it for moral or health reasons?" Well, it's moral...

When Sime & I first got together, we discovered that we both had an aversion to eating animals (although we continued to do so for a while), but one day we stopped to watch some lambs in a field, they were playing together, jumping over each other & feeding from their mothers. We also had a newborn too (Sal) & I remember feeling very emotional about these beautiful creatures being parted from their mothers & then slaughtered in goodness knows what conditions - This was the point where we knew we could no longer carry on eating meat & there was no way we were going to force it on our child either, so we stopped.
That was 1988 & we haven't eaten anything with a face since...

We are real foodies - love to cook, love to eat out & are very fussy. We eat mainly a vegan diet, especially at home & try to make sure that if we do eat any dairy - it's organic.

We don't have many friends who are as strict as us, but we do know a few folks who say they are vegetarian & they eat fish! We used to know someone who said he was vegan, but he liked to eat a bit of bacon now & again... Now we're not the kind of people who lecture others on their diets, though we do care very much about the treatment of farm animals & believe that all meat eaters should be prepared to kill the animals they wish to eat & perhaps then, they would think very differently.

More & more people are thinking about the health risks of meat, as well as the environmental implications & we are hearing amazing stories all the time of the healing properties of raw & vegan foods. We love vegetables & one of the first things we noticed when we turned veggie is that our taste buds suddenly became active! We have no need to add salt to our food, we eat vegetables lightly steamed, stir-fried or raw & they taste great - so many people are missing out...

I came across this link to a documentary that's coming out in March:

Maybe it will persuade people to think seriously about what they put in their mouths!

In the meantime, here's some of our foodie photos:

Spaghetti Haus in Bremen, Germany

The Waffle House in Bruges, Belgium

Ana Banana's in Luxembourg
The most fantastic eating experience of our lives!

Pizzas on the square in Mons, Belgium

Veggie fry-up in Tewkesbury, UK

Pizzas & Family at Melinsey Mill in Cornwall

Melinsey Mill in  Cornwall

Preparing a wild food feast at Cotna in Gorran, Cornwall

Kitchen Chaos at Monday's Community Cafe in Gorran, Cornwall

At home with friends & face paints

Sharing a Cornish Cream Tea at Melinsey Mill

Veggie feast in Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent

Christmas Feast at home

We love our food!!!

Kay :)


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Kay and Sime

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