Smithlets & Co

We've had many comments over the years about how close we are as a family & how respectful we are of each other. It's also been suggested to us that we write a book about how we've raised our kids, but the problem with that is - we have no idea what we have done that's so different to other families...

Sal is our eldest, born in a hospital in Cheshire (because the consultant insisted I was too young to have a home birth), but she was at the home births of her siblings! She's a life vegetarian, was home educated from 11 - 17, is very independent, motivated & organised, gets stroppy when she's hungry, left home when she was 19 (to live with her boyfriend), takes great photographs, likes growing vegetables & wears colourful clothes.

Rose is our second born, arrived at home to the tune of "Happy Birthday" (which her big sis loved)! She was at the birth of her brother & is also a life veggie, home educated from 9 - 17, she's a thinker, quiet & creative, has always loved to doodle (especially on books, walls & tables)! She's not keen on hard work & would probably prefer to spend her days lounging in her hammock! Sometimes she gets the giggles at inappropriate times, but just can't stop & once had laughing gas at a festival. She is an amazing artist & likes to wear black.

Hugo is our youngest, he was born at home with his family around him. He was vegan for his first 3 years & still has a slight dairy intolerance, but says that pizza & ice cream are worth suffering for! He has never been to school, didn't read until he was 8 (but now reads books like "The Da Vinci Code"), he is a self taught computer whizz, hates alcohol, stays up late most nights & rarely gets up before midday. He loves cats & veggie fry-ups, always beats his parents at scrabble & doesn't care what he wears.  
Our buddies. Now...

... & then.

Sal is the elder & lives with Ryan.

Rose is the middler, she & Asa live with us.

Hugo, the not so tiddler.

The furries, Flea (aka Floobs) & Remus Lupin (aka Loopski)


  1. What a great looking crew you have there. I think the biggest mistake parents make is to not let their kids be who they are. They are lumped together and there is no individuality.

  2. Hi Mel,
    Thanks for that!
    You are right. We love that our kids have the confidence to be themselves & we are behind them every step of the way...


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Kay and Sime

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