Bragging Gets You Nowhere

Why is it that when people brag about something, it often backfires on them?

We seem to have found ourselves in the company of quite a few poorly friends & customers this week. Not only that, but wherever we've been - there has been someone nearby, coughing & sneezing...

The problem is that Sime often gets very smug about this & loves to tell anyone who'll listen; that he no longer has colds because he made the decision not to have them any more! He hasn't had one for about 2 years, but I kept saying to him that: 1) It's not very nice to say things like that to people who are ill & 2) I thought he might be "tempting fate"...

Well, guess what happened - he woke up yesterday with a rattling chest, cough & cold!!! Now I'm not at all unsympathetic, but I can't help but think that it kind of serves him right (Sorry Hubster xx). He is genuinely ill (of course, no sign of man flu whatsoever), but did manage to get up yesterday because he wanted to be involved in our Christmas Tree hunt & again today to go along to a social gathering with friends from our local Transition Group. After each event he toddled off to bed saying how dreadful he feels & he couldn't possibly do anything else... Good job I love him!

We have a great book that we use for all the family's ailments, especially for cold & chest remedies:

Gentle Healing for Baby and Child: A Parent's Guide to Child-Friendly Herbs and Other Natural Remedies for Common Ailments and Injuries
Last night, I adapted one of the cough remedies & made a dish of red onion, garlic, fresh thyme & honey. It really helps to ease a chesty cough. We also use Echinaeca, Propolis & Vitamin C powder, which we add to a quality fruit juice & drink nettle tea - which is great for fevers.

So after having a bowl of my spicy butternut squash & red lentil soup (in bed), Sime seems to be feeling a lot better & has stopped feeling sorry for himself. I wonder if he'll be well enough for our present buying expedition tomorrow... ♥ ♥☺♥ ♥


  1. Well, that will teach him!! Hope he feels better soon.


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Kay and Sime

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