Work & Play

We love having our own business & the fact that we can choose when we work, it's so lovely after the hectic summer to be able to relax a bit more! We really appreciate lie-ins (something that we haven't really done for years), now our youngest is into sleeping in until lunch time, our mornings are much more chilled!

As our kids become independent, our elderly relatives are becoming more reliant on us - which is a slight problem as we live over 300 miles away from them! Our journeys upcountry are having to be more frequent & we are now dealing with dementia in our family for the second time. Dementia is just awful, but at the same time - we find it fascinating... Our 2 family members with it have followed the same path, both gone from being very independent, very sociable with lots of friends & keeping busy to gradually losing contact with their friends, then losing the confidence to go out, so just staying in & watching TV from morning until they go to bed, then they start to forget to eat, lose weight & become convinced that they are dying. Relative number 1, eventually died a year ago - after suffering for about 5 years. Her last 2 years, she spent with us in Cornwall, but relative number 2 wishes to stay in her own home - which she is doing with help from various care agencies... Seeing loved ones with this illness makes us more determined to live differently, we don't think the answer is to keep busy by having lots of social activities & doing crosswords. We believe it's more to do with variety - do things that you enjoy, but also have time to relax. Mix with people of all ages & have lots of fun!

A few years ago, we were introduced to "The Secret" & it changed our lives...
"Once known only by an elite who were unwilling to share their knowledge of the power, 'the secret' of obtaining anything you desire is now revealed by prominent physicists, authors and philosophers as being based in the universal Law of Attraction. And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now 'the secret' is being shared with the world. Beautiful in its simplicity, and mind-dazzling in its ability to really work, The Secret reveals the mystery of the hidden potential within us all. By unifying leading-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the riveting, practical knowledge will lead readers to a greater understanding of how they can be the masters of their own lives."

Happiness is so important for our well being, which of course, makes perfect sense. If we're not happy or comfortable doing something, then we don't do it. For years, we did jobs that made us incredibly unhappy & surrounded ourselves with people who demanded more from us than we were willing to give, now we have the perfect life - lots of love & laughter, wonderful family & friends, good health, a prosperous business & we live a few minutes walk from one of Cornwall's most beautiful beaches - what more could we ever want!!!


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