Scheming an' a Dreaming

We first met as children, just for a day - back in 1971. I knew that one day we would meet up again & 15 years later - we did! Our first proper time together, we sat up all night talking about everything that was important to us. We discovered how we both felt very different to our own families & so began our journey of what our folks have thought of as rebellion...

Eighteen months later, we decided to marry; an impulsive decision & we did it our way - secretly, so there wasn't any fuss or pressure to have a big wedding. We bought a "special licence" & rings, asked a couple of friends to be our witnesses & off we went... It was brilliant, we spent our day doing exactly what we wanted to do & our honeymoon was a long weekend in Wales! This was the first time we disappointed our families & we seem to have continued to do so, throughout our lives together. From moving into a caravan when expecting our first born, to becoming vegetarian, giving up secure jobs, going off on long road trips, home educating, moving to Cornwall & spending a summer camping while looking for a place to live. The list is probably endless & they really struggle with what they consider as our bizarre ideas! Despite all this, we still continue to do things our way & it probably is mainly my doing - as I am the one in our relationship that will happily take risks & loves a change of scenery, while Sime is always keen on weighing everything up before making a snap decision... I can usually persuade him in the end!

Since that first night, we have dreamed of owning a remote cottage, but have yet to find the perfect place... Somehow we know it's about to happen though & it's very exciting!!!

We have always loved dreaming about our future & over the last few years - we've also learned to be grateful for what we have too. We are very lucky to be living in a beautiful place & to be sharing our lives with so many wonderful people & whatever comes along for us next, we feel will be even better than we have now...


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