
We are pet sitting on Dartmoor again.

We love the bleak and wild countryside, the beauty and being surrounded by the quiet nature.

This stunning house we are in for the week is very comfortable with all mod cons, it is incredibly warm with ground source heating, solar panels and huge south facing windows in the sunroom. 

Our home for over 4 years has been like living in one big sunroom and we can't imagine ever choosing to live anywhere gloomy. When the sky is clear the cabin fills with sunshine through the day and moonlight at night. We don't have curtains and only 3 low energy lightbulbs, so we rely on natural light. It's always a shock when we go to somewhere with bright artificial lights and find ourselves itching to get out. We like a quiet, simple life - nothing brash, bright and loud, just peace and harmony. 

This year we have decided to leave the farm. 

It's time for some adventures; to travel and possibly find another place to be. We would like a motorhome again and to just go with the flow. We want to get down to our French house and go on the Canadian road trip we have dreamed of doing for years. We are already getting booked up with more pet sits throughout the year and we also would very much like to spend more time with family and friends, as well our furry friends. 

We know what we want, we know how we want to live and what is important to us. We love simplicity. We vowed some years ago that each move we make has to be better - not in the grand sense, but in filling us with joy, taking our breath away and moving us to tears...our French house and Les Cevennes presses all those buttons. We want to find that here again too. Will we continue to be based in Cornwall or will we move to somewhere like Dartmoor? The wilderness, the peace and extreme weather is definitely a draw. It does appeal to our desire to always be prepared; with a full pantry of food, plenty of wood and a supply of candles! To feel inspired, creative and eager to embrace each day. This place right now is spurring us on to make decisions. Is it the warmth? The beautiful views? The natural light? Or is it having time to connect with nature again? Whatever it is - we are full of excitement about what we have coming our way next...

So watch this space...

Lots of love,

Kay and Sime



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